Windows mobile\CE


has anyone had any experience with Windows mobile or Windows CE and running a progress application? Can you run programs like you can on Windows 7 with start up parameters? Specifically to connect to the database.
Windows Mobile was based on Windows CE and ran on ARM processors. It wasn't binary-compatible with the Windows client or server OSes on x86/x64 hardware, which are the platforms for which Progress provides OpenEdge client binaries.
Windows Mobile was based on Windows CE and ran on ARM processors. It wasn't binary-compatible with the Windows client or server OSes on x86/x64 hardware, which are the platforms for which Progress provides OpenEdge client binaries.

How about Windows Embedded? I saw that this is another common option for handhelds as well. I read on StackExchange that someone claimed it is similar to a full fledged XP installation and will run almost any program.

Thanks for your help.
Bob Brennan has some experience with wince.

Do you know any way that I can contact him on here and if he has any experience with embedded? So far that is looking to be the only option for these handhelds that isn't unreasonably expensive.

Thank you in advance!