Upgrade from 9.1E to 12.8 (Windows)


New Member
I am finally going to do an upgrade from my aging 9.1e to the latest version. Working with Progress now.
I own the source code for my application. Workgroup database, 50 users. Windows Server 2003 - migrating to Server 2019 or 2022.
Not using application servers.

According to PSC I should do a dump/reload to get my database and a "simple" recompile would bring my application to the latest.

Has anyone done this kind of 20 year jump?
Any recommendations?

I can hire PSC to help me install the latest version of OpenEdge and setup my database, for a fee, of course. Does anyone have experience working with them for this kind of activity (installation, database setup) plus some compile help?

Should I seek a local expert instead - I prefer someone that has used version 9 and remembers how simple it is to install and also has experience with installing the latest version?

I am not an expert, my programmer left California and I have been keeping it running all this time, we now have the upgrade budget.

I use Excel (CREATE "Excel.Application" chExcelApplication.) and pdfinclude for reports. I was told that these should work fine after the update. I will also be updating the pdfinclude to the latest version.

I am in the Los Angeles area, specifically Long Beach, CA if anyone is in that area and available to help I would be open to establishing a relationship for support.

Joe Lovegren.
Hi neighbor!
By now , you could/should (MUST) get your hands on an evaluation of the version you are about to leap onto.
9.1e on server 2022 and or W11 is not unheard of. Just not talked about in public. For a variety of reasons, some good, some bad.
There is no reason to not look before you leap and verify all the claims before you commit to a version change.
You could either dump and reload, or even convert the DB from 9to 10, 10 to 11, 11 to 12 just to see where youare at.
As for the simple recompile......it all depends on the result.
Get an eval version and try it.

If after the "simple recompile" everything works, you'll be all set.

Enjoy the adventure!
We did that from 9.1D to 11.6, some years ago.
Some adjustment were needed on ADM2
If you use third party DLL, I think that will be a problem.
If you use Report Builder, you won't be able to modify your reports, unless you mantain an installed copy of your 9.1 somewhere else.
Hi neighbor!
By now , you could/should (MUST) get your hands on an evaluation of the version you are about to leap onto.
9.1e on server 2022 and or W11 is not unheard of. Just not talked about in public. For a variety of reasons, some good, some bad.
There is no reason to not look before you leap and verify all the claims before you commit to a version change.
You could either dump and reload, or even convert the DB from 9to 10, 10 to 11, 11 to 12 just to see where youare at.
As for the simple recompile......it all depends on the result.
Get an eval version and try it.

If after the "simple recompile" everything works, you'll be all set.

Enjoy the adventure!
I am back in town. If you don't mind I would love to discuss!
While I wait for some experts to have the time to contact me I am trying to figure some things out myself - as I should.

Today's problem is how temp-tables operate between 9 and 12.

** DEFINE TEMP-TABLE/WORK-TABLE LIKE tables must be of the same type. (5533) ** Could not understand line 10. (196)

I have a window that has a browse object which is causing an error in the compiler. In fact, I am unable to open the smart browser in the Applicaiton Builder so I am opening it in the Procedure Editor.

This is line 10: DEFINE TEMP-TABLE tt-coitemd2 NO-UNDO LIKE tt-coitemd2.

I am searching for the differences in how temp-tables differ between 9 and 10, 10 and 11 and 11 and 12. To be clear, the code works well in v9 and I do know that there are more things that can be done to tune performance but I am not at that stage.

So, far I do have my database to ver 12.8 and most of my application is stable - except for anything that uses a temp-table.

The browser code and compiler output are attached if anyone has the time to view and point me in the right direction.


As far as I know the operation of temp-tables has not changed much/at all between versions 9 and 12, and the error you are getting is expected as the temp-table names are both the same. It may have been allowed in version 9 but not later versions.

Change the name for the new defined temp-table and this should compile no problem providing tt-coitemd2 is in the temp-db database:

DEFINE TEMP-TABLE tt-coitemd3 NO-UNDO LIKE tt-coitemd2.
I think error 5553 is a red herring, this will occur when you try to define a temp-table like something unknown (also with 9.1E).


Based on other errors in your compile log like:

Compiling \\ariesn\aries\Shz\A-Cust\addcoi.p
Unknown or ambiguous table tt-poitemd. (545)
** \\ariesn\aries\Shz\A-Cust\addcoi.p Could not understand line 18. (196)

You are simply not connected to a temp-db database with all your temp-table definitions.