Progress DB + VB.NET


New Member
Hello there!

I'm new to this forum and almost a newbie on Progress. I'm starting to program in progress since 2 months ago, and I have some questions:

What do I need to connect .NET to ProgressDB? I don't have the driver in my computer and I would like to know what driver do I need to do it, the connectionstring, etc... because I tried some drivers and connectionstrings but had no luck.

The version of the progress i have in the server is 9.1B and i don't find driver for it. The server version was installed by 3rd parties and i don't have access to the CD they used to do it. Is there a secondary driver i can use? how can i do it?

Can anybody help me, please? :)


PS: Don't worry about my english. i'm brazilian... lol


You may use Data Direct for Open Edge or MEARNT for lower versions and create a ODBC Data Source and access through VB interface


New Member
I also need help. In the connectionString, which does the connection from the client to the server, there is an "AppID". I would like to know where on the server (database or elsewhere) the AppID values are being stored. Please advise.

Casper Moderator
Staff member
In the connection string you must put the name of the DSN, username and password e.g.:

Dim SQLConnection As New

Username and password are username and password from the Progress Database with SQL permissions.

What Progress version are you on?




New Member
Here there is a good chain this connection I hope you serve is C #. NET
