Triggers from DB

This question is about compile options for Triggers run from the DB.
Normally our PROPATH is setup so only r-code is run, but for an editor session I have the source code directories first. The problem is some of it is encripted, so when a developer does a simple Quick&Dirty update to a table the DB fires off trigger code. Because of the propath and encription the session runs encryped code in a way where the XCODE value can't be used. Is there a place in the DB where an XCODE value can be supplied if the trigger source code is run and it happens to need an XCODE value?


If I remember properly you can specify triggers location separately using -trig command line parameter. Thus, if you specify r-code folder by the parameter it will allow you to run any source code without xcode value.

ok, for now I re-arranged the PROPATH so the PL is before the source directories. Do the triggers have to be in a separate directory? They are mixed in with everything else in the PL.

I look into the -trig parameter.