Suppress User prompt during prorest


New Member
I am working on automating online incremental backups and restore of progress databases. The incremental backups are created in sequence as follows:


I am using a batch file to restore the incremental backups:

set dlc=c:\dlc10a
call c:\dlc10a\bin\prorest .\restore\%1 .\restore\%2 -by

%1 is the database name
%2 is the incremental database backup (Ex. <db-name>-1)

If the incremental backup are out of sequence, progress return th following message:

Incremental restore out of sequence on .\restore\jazzplus . (6774)
Last incremental restore was number 5 on Thu Nov 02 16:31:51 2006. (6776)

Do you want to continue? [y/n]:

The batch file is now waiting for user input in order to continue. I would like to automate this process and pass a "n" in order for the restore process to fail. Right now, the process just sits waiting for user input.

Is there a way to suppress this prompt and cause an error or apply "n" to the user prompt?

Thank you for your help.
