spaces crazy when not in V6Display mode


P 9.1E
O/S Windows XP SP3
DB on SLES 10

These screen shots are from Progress version 9.1E

ISSUE: Screen spaces crazy when not in V6Display mode.

The only change between the 2 images was V6Display=yes changed to V6Display=no in the .ini file.

We have not been able to figure out the settings where Progress finds "line height" or "character width" when not
using V6Display mode. The fact that the number of each menu item causes the period in the form to display on the next
line tells us that we still need to find another font specification setting so Progress can determine the appropriate "character
width". We have tried setting the following values in the .ini file to no avail.

relevant entries from .ini file
DefaultV6UpdateFont=Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, size 11, BOLD
DefaultFont=Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, size 11, BOLD
DefaultFixedFont=Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, size 11, BOLD
PrinterFont=Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, size=12, BOLD

font0=Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, size 11, bold
font1=Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, size 11, bold
font2=Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, size 11
font3=Courier New, size 8
font4=Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, size 11

The FORM code that displays the menu is below:

FORM m-title AT 17
"Default Printer:" AT 62
prtr AT 79 SKIP(1)
optno[1] AT 3 optdesc[1] AT 5
optno[20] AT 40 optdesc[20] AT 42
optno[2] AT 3 optdesc[2] AT 5
optno[21] AT 40 optdesc[21] AT 42
optno[3] AT 3 optdesc[3] AT 5
optno[22] AT 40 optdesc[22] AT 42
optno[4] AT 3 optdesc[4] AT 5
optno[23] AT 40 optdesc[23] AT 42
optno[5] AT 3 optdesc[5] AT 5
optno[24] AT 40 optdesc[24] AT 42
optno[6] AT 3 optdesc[6] AT 5
optno[25] AT 40 optdesc[25] AT 42
optno[7] AT 3 optdesc[7] AT 5
optno[26] AT 40 optdesc[26] AT 42
optno[8] AT 3 optdesc[8] AT 5
optno[27] AT 40 optdesc[27] AT 42
optno[9] AT 3 optdesc[9] AT 5
optno[28] AT 40 optdesc[28] AT 42
optno[10] AT 3 optdesc[10] AT 5
optno[29] AT 40 optdesc[29] AT 42
optno[11] AT 3 optdesc[11] AT 5
optno[30] AT 40 optdesc[30] AT 42
optno[12] AT 3 optdesc[12] AT 5
optno[31] AT 40 optdesc[31] AT 42
optno[13] AT 3 optdesc[13] AT 5
optno[32] AT 40 optdesc[32] AT 42
optno[14] AT 3 optdesc[14] AT 5
optno[33] AT 40 optdesc[33] AT 42
optno[15] AT 3 optdesc[15] AT 5
optno[34] AT 40 optdesc[34] AT 42
optno[16] AT 3 optdesc[16] AT 5
optno[35] AT 40 optdesc[35] AT 42
optno[17] AT 3 optdesc[17] AT 5
optno[36] AT 40 optdesc[36] AT 42
optno[18] AT 3 optdesc[18] AT 5
optno[37] AT 40 optdesc[37] AT 42
optno[19] AT 3 optdesc[19] AT 5
optno[38] AT 40 optdesc[38] AT 42
"Enter Selection" AT 35 xx AT 51 /* BLANK */

the version information below is not correct for this problem, see top...


  • v6-screen.jpg
    53.7 KB · Views: 13
  • v6-no.jpg
    30.1 KB · Views: 14


OK the long drawn out question is bad.

What I really need to know is "how do I set the font height, width & line spacing?" (non-V6 mode)


Well-Known Member
I am not 100% positive - so please bear with me

V6 was only ChUI - the GUI ( or let's say a first attempt ) was introduced in V7. From your examples I see that you are running a V6 ChUI style application with the prowin32.exe ( you could also run it with the _progres.exe to stay on ChUI ). Widgets are rendered differently in GUI than in ChUI - especially frames and forms coded in V6 are not designed to be displayed in GUI and look pretty out-of-the-box because all GUI widgets do have boxes around them. As far as I know the V6 display option mimics V6 frame style so that you can exactly do that: Run a V6-style ChUI application with the GUI executable with as less effort as possible. If you don't use that option you need to modify your application in order to suit GUI style widgets or use the ChUI executable.

In order to use a font with the _prowin32.exe it must be available on the system. Windows has several directories where the font definitions are stored. Progress takes the information from there - like most other applications that do not bring their own fonts with them, which I believe are most of the software you install on a Windows box.

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.


Thanks RHD
asking another way, what are the controls (ini or other parameters) for the widgets, specifically how can I reduce the white space around the widgets (lettering)? the textonly seems to work but I need other objects.


Well-Known Member
As far as I know there is nothing that you can do about the widgets except the V6 display mode. In the GUI (prowin32.exe) they are based on the Windows MFC ( which is Windows95-style ) so these are, as far as I am concerned, are in reality Windows widgets wrapped through the ABL. You might try your luck directly accessing the Win32 API but I have to admit that I've never dug down that deep. You can find some sample code on the OE Hive ( ) which is by the way a great resource.<br>
Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.


Thanks RHD, I will take a look. I've been on the oehive and found some information on SQL Brokers, I didn't think about looking there for display.