Ryszard Musielak
I ran the "dbtool" report with the following option:
1. SQL Width & Date Scan w/Report Option
<connect>: (0=single-user 1=self-service >1=#threads)? 1
<table>: (Table number or all)? all
<area>: (Area number or all)? all
<display>: (verbose level 0-4)? 4
At the end this was reported:
" Width of array field errors found: 2."
So I need to pinpoint the table errors, I am not sure if these are the records I should look for:
It looks like this article explains the following ERROR types:
So I still can't figure out which objects the original error is pointing to:
" Width of array field errors found: 2."
I ran the "dbtool" report with the following option:
1. SQL Width & Date Scan w/Report Option
<connect>: (0=single-user 1=self-service >1=#threads)? 1
<table>: (Table number or all)? all
<area>: (Area number or all)? all
<display>: (verbose level 0-4)? 4
At the end this was reported:
" Width of array field errors found: 2."
So I need to pinpoint the table errors, I am not sure if these are the records I should look for:
6655 Current max fieldLen for mahead (472):
6656 Fld# SQLWidth Max Width ArrayWidth Max ArrayWidth ERROR NAME
6657 ---- -------- --------- ---------- -------------- -------- ----
6658 2: 6 3 co-code
6659 3: 6 1 div-code
6660 6: 364 146 145 130 ma-lybalbf
6661 7: 364 35 145 117 ma-tybalbf
6662 8: 364 132 145 117 ma-lyact-1
6663 9: 364 134 145 130 ma-lyactbal
6664 10: 364 26 30 26 ma-lybud
6665 11: 364 34 138 104 ma-tyactbal
6666 12: 364 26 30 26 ma-tybud
6667 13: 364 26 30 26 ma-nxtbud
6668 14: 364 26 30 26 ma-nxtactbal
6669 15: 312 146 145 130 ma-lybf-1
6670 16: 338 26 30 26 ma-lybud-1
6671 18: 364 26 30 26 ma-tyrevbud
6672 52: 19 0 ma-split
6673 46: 220 20 24 20 ma-ly-act
6674 47: 220 20 24 20 ma-ly-bf
6675 48: 220 20 24 20 ma-ly-bud
6676 20: 364 126 138 117 ma-lyact-2
6677 21: 364 146 138 130 ma-lybf-2
6678 22: 364 26 30 26 ma-lybud-2
6679 23: 364 134 145 130 ma-lyact-3
6680 24: 364 146 145 130 ma-lybf-3
6681 49: 364 26 30 26 ma-lybud-3
6682 25: 364 134 138 117 ma-lyact-4
6683 26: 364 146 138 130 ma-lybf-4
6684 27: 364 26 30 26 ma-lybud-4
6685 28: 364 143 145 117 ma-lyact-5
6686 29: 364 156 145 130 ma-lybf-5
6687 30: 364 26 30 26 ma-lybud-5
6688 31: 364 52 132 130 ### ma-lyact-6
6689 32: 364 46 132 130 ### ma-lybf-6
It looks like this article explains the following ERROR types:
Progress Customer Community
a. <blank>: non-array field has no error
b. ### : array field and it has no errors (Verbose level 4 only), no longer applies after a padding has been added to the field or to array date fields
c. *** : field has errors
d. ***### : array field has width error (Verbose level 4 only)
e. %%%% : date field has formatting error
So I still can't figure out which objects the original error is pointing to:
" Width of array field errors found: 2."
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