script connect to sql database


New Member
My company decided to upgrade from progress database to sql database while keeping the progress code. So how should I change scripts that run over the night? If I need to re-write the scripts anyone have any idea of how to connect to sql database and run progress code?

Here is an example of what I have:

\\PRO\bin\prowin32.exe -ininame D:\Data\bin\client.ini -db DB1 -ld app -S 6200 -H -N TCP -pf D:\Data\bin\ -U user -P pw1000 -b -p E:\pro\pro1.p
How is this an upgrade? Have you actually tested everything still works with the sql database? I know we went through this excercise testing Progress code against sql db at my old company and found that there were some interesting things that didn't work out of the box - in particular with transactions IIRC. I don't know the full details, but such a change should not be undertaken lightly. And the people who made the decision to "upgrade" should be the ones who can inform you what to do because surely they have thought this process through completely... :S
How is this an upgrade? Have you actually tested everything still works with the sql database? I know we went through this excercise testing Progress code against sql db at my old company and found that there were some interesting things that didn't work out of the box - in particular with transactions IIRC. I don't know the full details, but such a change should not be undertaken lightly. And the people who made the decision to "upgrade" should be the ones who can inform you what to do because surely they have thought this process through completely... :S

they think is an upgrade b/c they only know sql ...... anyway they already made the decision and now I have to find out what to do ... any solution or food for thought?
Do you mean you are switching to a DataServer ... a separately purchased product? Setting one of those up is a whole manual and there is a great deal of consideration that has to be given in the application to get it to work right. The chances of it "just working" are slim as I understand it.

Oh, and you might notice that there is a separate forum for Dataserver.
It is possible to have an application coded in the ABL running against a SQL database which is supported through a so-called Data Server. Depending on the release of Progress/OpenEdge different Data Servers for different SQL databases are available to pick from. The least common denominator would be the ODBC one if I recall correctly.

Nevertheless, not only is the ABL a different programming language than SQL, the approach of most ABL applications that are not designed to run against SQL databases when in comes to fetch data and the transaction handling is completely different. Which is also true to some extent for the different database vendors when you compare them against each other. I have seen that making a typical ABL application run against a SQL database without a fuzz is only possible by putting serious effort into it. You won't succeed without making a serious investment. There will be pieces of code where you need to branch on the type of databases the logic is running against and do things differently then.

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.
Personally I think your time will be better spent working on your resume than trying to solve the problems your company have thrown at you. You need to get out of there fast to avoid mental health issues.
Probably the Powers That Be in your company run into a Progress sales rep who fed them garbage, like: Just buy the Data Server and you are fine - there is no need to change the application.

It's the same like the fuel consumption promised by car manufacturers in their advertises. This promises are not based on real world scenarios. It's only after you have bought their that you find out the hard way that there is no way to achieve the promised low fuel consumption ...

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.