Radio-set in chui


9.1d01 CHui.

Does anyone out there know how to control where the cursor is positioned in a radio-set?

I have a radio-set which may be used several times in my program, I assign an appropriate value each time before displaying the frame containing the radio-set and, sure enough, the 'x' to indicate the choice is in the correct place but the cursor is located wherever the last choice from the radio set happened to be.

What I want to do is make sure the cursor and the 'x' are in the same position.

Anyone out there able to help, please?


So at least you don't feel like everyone is ignoring you, I can confirm that I can't figure it out either. I was working on it this morning and tried every trick I know (yep, I used both of 'em) to get the cursor to be on the 'x' but it wouldn't play. The only thing I don't know how to try (or even if it's possible) is to check to see if the cursor is sitting on a 'x' (screen:value I suppose) and if not then force the cursor to go to a specific column/row on the screen. If there is a way to tell the cursor to go 'here', I wasn't able to find it in the books. Which could just mean that the command is something, ummm, shall we say less than intuitive.


Crittar said:
I posted this some time ago but never received any answers :(

PLEASE: Can anyone out there help?


It looks like this is going to remain one of lifes great mysteries, I'm guessing from the lack of replies that either everyone else just lives with it or they try to avoid radio sets in CHui