Progress Licencing


Hi there,

This may be a very quick thread to answer but with Openedge 10 and above is it neccessary to purchase disaster recovery licences? We have been informed that with our preferred solution of a dark site containing a hot standby Openedge database which is updated every 15 minutes by after imaging that we will need additional licences. This is in spite of the fact that we do not run Fathom.

I presume that we are ok to replicate the database happily without additional licences but if we came to a failover situation that is where we would need the licences. Is this correct or do we need the licences even to use after imaging?

Any help given would be appreciated.

Thanks and regards,
If I'm not mistaken then you have to buy licenses to for your warm (not hot, that would be OE replication, but ok what is in a definition ;-)) spare site. I believe it is 50% of your total license price you have for the production database.

So IMO you need the licenses before you go to thhe failover situation. (You are using progress on that server all be it merely for rollfoward, but still...)

Casper's understanding matches mine.

Yes, this is a stupid policy that is out of step with the market. I suggest that you obtain the policies of your other vendors (Oracle, Microsoft et al) and show them to your Progress sales weasel. Make it clear that they are at a competitive disadvantage and that they need to change their policy. Escalate all the way up the sales food chain and beyond. If enough people complain, instead of rolling over and accepting unconscionable gouging, they will get the message and do the right thing.