Progress 'entered' function behaves differently in CHUI & .NET UI


New Member
HI All,

I am using entered function , to know the user entered the value in one field or not.

But 'entered' function behaves differently in progress CHUI & .NET UI.

In progress CHUI, the entered function fires If the field value is unchanged but the user enter the old value itself onceagain in the same field.

For Example

Amount: 0

amount field contains the value 0, user enters 0 again in the field. At that time "entered" function fires and gives the value "TRUE".

But If the field value is unchanged , the .NetUI skips the field, so the "entered" event is not fired.

What is the other workaround for the function "entered" in order to take into account the manual modification when the user try to change value "0" to "0" in the amount field.

Please do the needful?



New Member

If the field is QAD field name like sod_line, sod_qty_ord, sod_price etc. then you can use the "on assign" session trigger on that field. This will get fired whenever there is any changed in the field and different from old value.

Else you can trap "TAB" key to know what data is changed in that field. The new data you can capture with screen-value handle.
