[progress Communities] [progress Openedge Abl] Forum Post: Re: Utf-8 Encoding Doubt

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Aidan Jeffery

The collations are tied to code pages. For UTF-8, a set of ICU collations is available in addition to Basic. The definitions for these are provided under DLC/prolang/utf, with names like ICU-UCA.df. 1. You can change the clients to use -cpinternal UTF-8 -cpstream UTF-8. For -cpcoll, use either ICU-UCA, or the ICU collation that meets the particular sorting requirements of your locale. 2. You can convert a database from code page iso8859-1 to UTF-8. a. Use proutil convchar convert for the code page conversion. b. Load the UTF-8 word-break rules using proutil with word-rules proword.254. c. Use Data Administration to import the ICU collation d. You have to rebuild all the indexes after this - proutil idxbuild 3. Use one of the ICU collations as mentioned above. Hope this helps.

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