Convert database from 1252 to utf-8


New Member

I am working with Progress 11.7.15 version in Alma Linux/Centos7/Centos8 (the firstone).

We are traying to convert our clients databases from 1252 to utf-8.

As suggested on "Progress Internationalization Guide", we are using:

proutil database-name -C convchar convert utf-8 (Works like a charm!)

After that, also as suggested in the guidelines, we're trying to load _tran.df (located in DLC/prolang/utf/_tran.df)

The thing is that we are not being able to load _tran.df file.

We are getting the following error and no log on .lg file:

The following errors and/or warnings occurred while loading /usr/dlc/117/prolang/utf/_tran.df
into database distrib on 08/03/23 at 09:40.

** Error during MODIFY DATABASE **

Client error raised while loading definitions

At first we thougth that was related to the fact that we have some CLOB-COLLATION in "SPANISH9" in the database dictionary. But by removing those fields and trying again we get the same error.

Please if anyone have ran into this situation before and knows why this error could happen iit'll be really helpful if you can share your experince.

Thanks in advance for taking the time to reading this post.