[Progress Communities] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] Forum Post: RE: Centos 7.7, OpenEdge 11.7.2, VMWare 6.5 - slow networking???

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@gus, the latest OS releases are now enabling autocorking by default (both centos and ubunto, from what I understand). @arturikk said he needs to change the kernel default, and disable the autocorking. That could be done as a way to avoid the aggregation delays that are imposed on the client/server database protocol. This reverts the kernel behavior to the way things worked in the prior versions. In addition to asking customers to use a workaround like this, it seems to me that OE should be proactive ... they should start programming around the modern corking behavior of these Linux OS'es. Customers should not have to get to this level of technical detail. If OE needs to uncork more frequently then all the other applications on a Linux server then it should be doing that explicitly... See www.kernel.org/.../ip-sysctl.txt "Applications can still use TCP_CORK for optimal behaviors when they know how/when to uncork their sockets." This topic hits home with us as well ... not that long ago on HPUX we were having substantial performance problems with classic appserver. I reported the problem to tech support and they kept telling me that it was not reproducible. It turns out that, after a number of days, we learned that they were only testing the repro on Linux and Windows machines which were programmed with TCP_NODELAY (ie. disabling nagle's algorithm). But the HPUX installation wasn't working the same way. This is one reason - among many - to avoid staying on the sinking ship called HPUX.

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