[Progress Communities] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] Forum Post: PAS OE Webspeed compatibility mode - "unable to run web object" without any log errors

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There seems to be issues with trapping errors related to shared variables in PAS OE v12.1. Our converted legacy webpseed application had many global shared and shared variables. This was causing unknown "unable to run web object" errors, I've looked at all the logs generated by the PAS Application and there is no reference of any error, even when changing logging level to 4 and adding things like 4gltrtace. Are there any known issue related to shared but not global shared variables - is it possible there is something else in the configuration I'm missing that would allow the cause of these errors to be reported? These are defined at the agent startup proc as new shared and shared inside programs many levels deep. Changing them to new global shared seems to fix the issue, but I am trying to remove all use of these shared variables and have only the required ones be passed down as param through the chain. unfortunately we have 1000s of programs to update and review. All appears good but in some cases the program will succefully complete and generate value HTML output, yet it also tacks and "unable to run web object" at the very bottom after referencing the same program that sucessfully generated all the output.

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