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/* *************************** Main Block *************************** */ /* Set CURRENT-WINDOW: this will parent dialog-boxes and frames. */ ASSIGN CURRENT-WINDOW = {&WINDOW-NAME} THIS-PROCEDURE:CURRENT-WINDOW = {&WINDOW-NAME}. /* The CLOSE event can be used from inside or outside the procedure to */ /* terminate it. */ ON CLOSE OF THIS-PROCEDURE DO: DELETE OBJECT oFingerPrint. RUN disable_UI. END. /* Best default for GUI applications is... */ PAUSE 0 BEFORE-HIDE. /* Now enable the interface and wait for the exit condition. */ /* (NOTE: handle ERROR and END-KEY so cleanup code will always fire. */ MAIN-BLOCK: DO ON ERROR UNDO MAIN-BLOCK, LEAVE MAIN-BLOCK ON END-KEY UNDO MAIN-BLOCK, LEAVE MAIN-BLOCK: oFingerPrint = NEW BioLogin ( ) . RUN enable_UI. IF NOT THIS-PROCEDURE:pERSISTENT THEN WAIT-FOR CLOSE OF THIS-PROCEDURE. END. If you pay attention, this is (part of) the basic construct of a .W. I'm using the answer from Brian K. Maher to community.progress.com/.../30139 , to look under the hood...and found this: [17/03/04@13:16:25.249-0600] P-022988 T-027640 2 4GL 4GLTRACE Run procs\Nom\Nom07001.w [USER-INTERFACE-TRIGGER - procs\men\sch_virt.w @ 870] [17/03/04@13:16:25.254-0600] P-022988 T-027640 2 4GL 4GLTRACE New procs.Bio.BioLogin [Main Block - procs\Nom\Nom07001.w @ 477] [17/03/04@13:16:25.254-0600] P-022988 T-027640 2 4GL 4GLTRACE Invoke InitializeComponent [BioLogin - procs.Bio.BioLogin @ 86] [17/03/04@13:16:25.261-0600] P-022988 T-027640 3 4GL 4GLTRACE Return from InitializeComponent [procs.Bio.BioLogin] [17/03/04@13:16:25.261-0600] P-022988 T-027640 2 4GL 4GLTRACE Invoke InicializaScanner [BioLogin - procs.Bio.BioLogin @ 88] [17/03/04@13:16:26.287-0600] P-022988 T-027640 3 4GL 4GLTRACE Return from InicializaScanner [procs.Bio.BioLogin] [17/03/04@13:16:26.287-0600] P-022988 T-027640 3 4GL 4GLTRACE Return from BioLogin [procs.Bio.BioLogin] [17/03/04@13:16:26.287-0600] P-022988 T-027640 2 4GL 4GLTRACE Run enable_UI [Main Block - procs\Nom\Nom07001.w @ 479] [17/03/04@13:16:26.306-0600] P-022988 T-027640 3 4GL 4GLTRACE Return from enable_UI [procs\Nom\Nom07001.w] [17/03/04@13:16:26.306-0600] P-022988 T-027640 2 4GL 4GLTRACE Run CargaDatos [Main Block - procs\Nom\Nom07001.w @ 481] [17/03/04@13:16:26.313-0600] P-022988 T-027640 3 4GL 4GLTRACE Return from CargaDatos [procs\Nom\Nom07001.w] [17/03/04@13:16:29.879-0600] P-022988 T-027640 2 4GL 4GLTRACE Delete BioLogin [USER-INTERFACE-TRIGGER - procs\Nom\Nom07001.w @ 465] [17/03/04@13:16:29.971-0600] P-022988 T-027640 1 4GL -- (Procedure: 'BioLogin procs.Bio.BioLogin' Line:567) Se dió un valor de "handle" inválido o inapropiado para la sentencia DELETE OBJECT o DELETE PROCEDURE. (5425) [17/03/04@13:16:29.971-0600] P-022988 T-027640 3 4GL 4GLTRACE Return from BioLogin [procs.Bio.BioLogin] [17/03/04@13:16:29.971-0600] P-022988 T-027640 2 4GL 4GLTRACE Run disable_UI [USER-INTERFACE-TRIGGER - procs\Nom\Nom07001.w @ 466] [17/03/04@13:16:29.984-0600] P-022988 T-027640 3 4GL 4GLTRACE Return from disable_UI [procs\Nom\Nom07001.w] [17/03/04@13:16:29.984-0600] P-022988 T-027640 3 4GL 4GLTRACE Return from Main Block [procs\Nom\Nom07001.w] when I call the uib window that creates NEW BiolLogin() . and just close it.... I'm worried about (5425) , as this program hangs randomly after 2 consecutive runs....

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