Open Edge


New Member
I have a doubt about Type II storage area in OE.

What is Type II storage area.
Can anyone explain me...

Thanks in advance.
A better title for the thread would be something like "What are type 2 areas?".

A type 2 storage area is one with a cluster size of 8, 64 or 512.

If an area is a type 2 area then data blocks will contain data from one, and only one table. This generally results in a very significant performance improvement over a table stored in a type 1 area. Especially if a large set of rows is being processed. (In a type 1 area a data block will contain records from many different tables.)

Because all of the blocks in a type 2 area contain data from just a single table many utilities and features can operate on that data much faster. They no longer have to examine every block in the area to find relevant data.

When a type 2 area needs additional disk space it is allocated in cluster size units. This is much more efficient than the type 1 block at a time allocation strategy.

All new and advanced features of the database engine require type 2 areas. Type 1 areas are supported for compatibility and easy migration but you should move to type 2 ASAP.