NSW Progress User Group

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Next Meeting: Tuesday 12th August
Where: The offices of Progress NSW (25 Ryde Road, Pymble - parking under building).

At the August Progress User Group Meeting, you will see a brief overview of Dynamics by Cheryl Field of PSC.

Following this, Stephen Neander of System 77 has kindly offered to give us some real-world feedback on what it's like to design, develop and deploy using Dynamics. System 77 have recently deployed their first application using Dynamics.

It's also time to elect committee members for the new year.

Nominations are welcomed for the following positions:
Web Site Administrator
Event Organiser
General Committee Member X 2

As always,Progress will kindly provide drinks & Pizza.

5:45pm - 6:00pm - Arrive
6:00pm - 6:15pm - Elect committee members for the new year.
6:15pm - 6:45pm - Cheryl Field - Overview of Dynamics
6:45pm - 7:15pm - Stephen Neander from Systems 77 will reflect on his experiences developing and deploying a Dynamics App.
7:15pm - 7:30pm - Pizza, Beer & general business.

Membership Renewal
Membership renewals are usually due at this time. Currently however, the committee are reviewing what members are receiving for their fees & how we can improve the benefits provided to members. For this reason, renewals will not go out until after the August meeting.
Warren Castles
PUG NSW Event Organiser
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