Limt on UNIX proutil?


New Member
I'm setting up new Solaris hardware on Solaris 10, with Progress 9.1E.

I have two proutil session running the background, doing bulk loads (no integrity). The CPU is between 85-90% idle.

While they load, I moved on to create another DB and kicked off anohter proutil to truncate the bi on the new DB. That proutil has been hung up for 25 minutes, getting no CPU at all.
top is showing:
load averages: 0.40, 0.39, 0.33
85 processes: 84 sleeping, 1 on cpu
CPU states: 88.4% idle, 8.3% user, 3.3% kernel, 0.0% iowait, 0.0% swap
Memory: 16G real, 10G free, 4496M swap in use, 32G swap free

Are there any limits (like ulimit) that could be holding me back, or is it likely to be disk? All three processes are hitting the same file system, which is on a stripped set of disks.


Truncate bi is a single-user operation. It isn't going to work while a load is in process.

Loading data is disk intensive. CPU utilization should be low.

9.1E is better than a lot of things that people post about but is there a reason not to be using OE10?


New Member
Our Progress application is Syteline, as of the start of this project, they have not released a version that runs on OE10.

I'm not trying to truncate the bi on the same db that I'm loading. I'm working with a few databases at the same time. Should I expect to be able to run multiple processes?

I'm mostly concerned that this new SUN machine or the file systems aren't configured to deal with all 20+ database once I get them all cutover.

Are there system settings I should check on?


Yes, you should be able to do this -- so long as the target db is not active.

20 databases is a non-trivial tuning problem. There are lots of things that you probably ought to be doing but no particular silver bullet. On the other hand Syteline is a "target rich" tuning environment. There are so many ways to make it better that it is hard to know where to start. But if you can compile the code (and many Syteline customers can) you do not need to wait for them to move into the current century and the best place to start tuning is with an up to date version of Progress.