Question How to add filter options(like in Excel) on browse widget


New Member

I'm using OpenEdge 10.2A with standard .w files. There are some basic filtering functionality on my browse widget; when you click the column-label it sorts, and when you type start typing, it searches etc. But my customers want more; basically they want filtering functionality like in MS Excel. I've found some components like DevExpress, Xceed but they are in .net.

1.) Is there a way to add this functionality on default browse?
2.) Is there an ocx which will be able to filter each column like in Excel?
3.) Is it possible to embed a .net grid (i.e. DevExpress) to an .w file?

P.S: some of my tables have more than 500,000 records. The solution should not load all the data at once.
Filtering functionality like in MS Excel: select a few records from loaded data, define custom filter option on a column(i.e: [ColumnValue]>=date(1,1,2015) and [ColumnValue]<=date(1,31,2015) and [ColumnValue]<>date(1,15,2015))
Sounds like you want to look at Infragistics controls.

Sounds great. Is it possible to use Infragistics controls on my existing .w windows or should I use OpenEdge Architect? It is important for me because until now, I have never used OpenEdge Architect. It would be much simplier if I just use them within my existing windows.
Infragistics or any other .NET controls can not be placed onto a Progress frame ( .w ). Instead they need to be place onto a .NET container which you can launch from a .w.

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.