How many webspeed agents can be configured for a broker?


New Member
I have configured a webspeed broker over progress 9.1D installation.

This is default configuration of broker. I need to customize this for max agents but i don't know How to determine the max number of agents that can run on a broker.

Is there any limit on the agents?

Where i can find or figure out the max agents value for my webspeed installation?

normaly you have configure initial=1 min=1 and max=[your licence users limit] (see showcfg)
but in reality there is no control .... you can say max=5000 ... no problem.
to be more realistic, you have to take a look at the broker statistics (wtbman -i NS1 wsbroker1 -q) a couple of times by day
and check the active agents number ... that give you the good value for maxAgents.
Thanks rstanciu for information.

I am getting below error in my broker logs "ERROR : Configured maxSrvrInstance (10) exceeds maximum licensed servers (2). (8453)".

but my showcfg file shows 'WebSpeed Workshop' User Limit: 10.

Can you please explain why it saying 'maximum licensed servers (2)' in logs but showcfg shows 10.
The WebSpeed workshop is a development tool whereas the WebSpeed Broker is the runtime server backend which need to be licensed seperately. Some development licenses (OpenEdge Studio for example) give you the possibility to run server products for development purposes to which you can only connect to from the localhost.

Regards, RealHeavyDude.
Thanks RealHeavyDude,

Quote "the WebSpeed Broker is the runtime server backend which need to be licensed seperately.".

This is what i am looking for. But still i am unable to figure out the place where i can find the count of runtime server licenses.

The WebSpeed Broker that comes as part of the developer license is limited, AFAIK, to two agents. You won't see it with showcfg because it's part of another product. Only when you install the seperate WebSpeed Broker (or AppServer in OpenEdge 10 as the two seperate products have become one as of OpenEdge 10) on the same machine, from a technical point of view, you may exceed the limit and see the license with showcfg.

As of yet Progress does not enforce the lincense limits technically - that means you could configure more agents as you have licensed and run the thing, BUT, this is considered a violation of the license and if Progress finds out they may or may not punish you (depending on a how good customer you are to them :awink:).

Regards, RealHeavyDude.