Forum Post: Kendo UI components concerns

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Hello, Since you aquired Telerik, I believe you plan on changing Rollbase HTML form inputs so that it uses kendo UI components. We have heard that their may be a release this summer which changes Rollbase look and feel by integrating Kendo UI components instead of today's bootstrap components. As of today, we use many jQuery JavaScripts in our pages in order to manipulate fields (show / hide them depending on the context for instance). In order to do this, we use jQuery to retrieve components who are named "rbi_F_...." or "rbi_L_...." which is the name assigned by Rollbase to tables cells who contain form inputs. Also, we interact directly with certain form inputs by using their integration name which is set in the "id" and "name" properties of each HTML inputs. When you finally integrate Kendo UI to Rollbase, do you know if their may be changes to the names / ids being used in form inputs, table cells, tables etc.? If their are indeed changes of the sort, can you give us some information on to what is going to change exactly, because this would mean our applications will not be functional anymore if we are not prepared for this changes. Kind regards, Romain.

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