Question Display HTML File


Actually we use the internet explorer OCX to display web pages on some "*.w" program. We are using web pages to do create some report or graphs.
Do you know if there is any other way to do so ?

We are on openedge 10.2B05

Best regards,



Active Member
There is also the .NET Web Browser which was highlighted in this thread:

Also the Microsoft Webview, but from this thread seems a little tricky to implement:


Cringer Moderator
Staff member
I think your biggest limiting factor is going to be your Progress version. As @Osborne says there are other options, but you will be severely limited to be honest.
I know that I will be limited on solution du to my openedge version.
We already have on of our production site that is OE11.7 but we still need to upgrade all the others.

I will take all the information and work something out :)
While searching and thinking of my needs, I found that I don't need to go and navigate on the WWW, but only rendering HTML files.
We are using them do the followings:
- Create report with charts
- Create web pages with button that make action on our database.

I think I will be very limitted to my solution ...