Custom window


New Member
Hi, all I wanna do, is add a simple text field In a SyteLine window... Can anybody help me with that ???

Hi Paul,

I'm not sure what versions of Syteline this is or isn't available in but I have v5.00.01 and Progress 9 and I was able to use the User Extended Table functionality to add fields to GUI Syteline screens.

Some things to keep in mind when doing this...
1. Make changes only in single user mode or when no one else is connected to the database.
2. Syteline doesn't like when you delete Class/Index so think everything through before implementing.

Hope this helps... I just went through learning this stuff myself and didn't find a while lot of documentation available so if you need more help let me know and I'll get you as far as I am able.

(303) 288-7873 Ext. 226