Crystal enterprise locking files after DB is stopped?



This one has got me confused (not hard I know).
We have a massive 9.1D09 database (80GB) running on a windows 2000 server which is closed down at 8pm each day to be backed up. The database is then copied via FTP to another server. We have reports running off the database using Crystal Enterprise throughout the day so there are potentially reports still running when the database is shut down. We use two types of driver to connect to the database - SQL92 and Openlink.

Recently we are seeing the FTP copy failing due to the *.D* files being locked even after shutdown. I'm a decent progress developer but only a novice DBA and although I can get to the bottom of most database problems this one's got me stumped.

The log file isn't giving too much avay in this instance. The one common line I see each time the FTP copy fails is:
WDOG 116: Broker disappeared, updating <file-name>.lk file. (4194)
Followed by:
WDOG 116: Multi-user session end. (334)

The database is definately not runnning when the FTP transfer starts.
I've spoken to our Software vendor who provide the database and software and they are convinced that the SQL92 connections at the time the database is shut down are to blame but I dont see why this could be when the log file has reported "multi user session ended".

Any ideas?
[Cross Post]

I can't help you much here, but there's a KnowledgeBase entry describing how to investigate this error, have you looked at it?

KB P23968
Title: "Investigating Broker disappeared, updating .lk file. (4194)"

(As I post this, Firefox is not opening the link - so if you're using that, try IE instead)

Also see this similar Peg thread:

What is locking the .D* files? If you don't know, this util should help:

btw. The SQL process in question is _sqlsrv2.exe.

How is your database shutdown?
Lee Curzon said:
[Cross Post]
It is too much of a coincidence after 3 days of no activity.

Casper saw me looking at the thread and posted a reference to the KB to annoy me, because he knows I only ever post links.

Casper Moderator
Staff member

Not true,

I looked at the thread ,looked in the KB and came up with this article. Why would I want to annoy you? I'm not like that..... You always give very good answers and I have really no intention in annoying you.

I even wanted to reply that I thought it was funny to have two tinyurl links to the same KB article....

By the way, you post more then just links, I think you say lots of sensible stuff (except for what you just wrote....)

Sorry you think like that, I thought you where bigger then that.

(BTW: how many times did this happen, I posted 219 posts at this forum..... and now suddenly I want to annoy you?)


I am really sorry - it was a joke!

My sense of humour is a bit off beam sometimes.

Having spoken with you a couple of times offline, I figured you would realise I was just ribbing you.

(I have participated in other non-technical forums where this sort of posturing is the norm).

Really, my sincere apologies, I did not realise you would think I was serious.


Casper Moderator
Staff member

Well I'm sometimes a bit touchy I suppose....:eek:

But you really had me there :)

(at least we picked the same solution from the 2 available :)

what was this thread about? ;-)

Casper said:

Well I'm sometimes a bit touchy I suppose....:eek:

Thanks, but the fault was mine.

Although that sort of thing is quite normal on debating forums, it is not normal on Tech forums, and I should have been less informal - but I do find ProgressTalk quite a refreshingly relaxed kind of place, and I let my guard down.


Hi guys,
Thanks for the reply and making me laugh at the misunderstanding between you. I neede the giggle. :lol:
Yes I had checked out that progress KB article but thanks for looking. It will be easier to track down if I find out exactly what is locking the files so that link you you gave me to Unlocker will help me answer that question.

If I find the solution I'll be sure to conclude in this thread.

Thanks for your help :)