Button LABEL = image + text


New Member
Hi All,

I'm trying to define a button that has a little image + textlabel next to it.
I've seen this done before but can't figure out how to achieve this.

Defining a button with a textlabel, no problem ofcource.
Defining a button with an image (image-up), no problem ofcource.
A button with an image and a label displays only the image (and displays the label when it can't find the image).

I thought of two other options:
-overlaying a image on the button on the right x and y
-make a gif image that has "image + text" and using that as image-up.

When I know that it just can't be done, I can stop my search :)
You could try defining the button with an image up as you have already done & then add 'Text' from the palette overlaying the text onto the button.

You should then have a button with both an image & text on it.
That's indeed another option. And I tried that after your suggestion.
But that would mean that have to align the image in the button to the far left so that I could overlay the Text on the button on the right (within the outline of the button).

They other way around (button with text label and image overlay) would mean the label should be aligned to the far right.

With both options this would fit both (text and image) inside the outline of the button.

Either way, how do I align the LABEL-text (or image) to the left/right of the button?