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  1. KlausE

    Error (Exception) when using profiler

    I figured out how to run the profiler in the dev studio. Yesterday it runs well. Today I get every time this error when opening the .prof file. (and the prof file will not open automatically) An internal error occurred during: "Profiler". java.util.NoSuchElementException Thanks Klaus
  2. KlausE

    Licensing for batch jobs

    I have a question, to be prepared for one of these audits :) Assume a system where some users have an application with AppServer. Let's say User1, User2 and 3 are working on there PCs. They have AppServer, but for some (historical) reasons Print Jobs and scheduled jobs are running as batch on...
  3. KlausE

    -groupdelay vs -Mf

    There are these two DB parameters: -groupdelay and -Mf Group Delay (-groupdelay): 0-1000 ms, default is 1 for multi user The number of milliseconds a transaction waits before committing. Use Group Delay (-groupdelay) to increase performance when Delayed BI File Write (-Mf) is set to zero...