
COMPILE program.p XREF program.xrf

When you compile program.p with XREF, program.xrf will get generated in the root directory.

If you open the program.xrf file you will find how program.p was compiled.
each line by line it will be in detail.

say u have a find first pt_mstr......... at line 50 in ur program.p
then in program.xrf u will find which index is used for ur find first pt_mstr.

u can find more things in program.xrf.



Xref specifies the file where the Application Compiler writes
cross-reference information between source files and database
objects.xref. For each object reference, the .xref file contains one
unformatted and blank-separated line containing the following:

1) Procedure name
2) Source filename
3) Line number
4) Reference type
5) Object identifier

-- List of tags the XREF compile option generates:

Indicates an index bracket or look up will be used. The logical
database name, table name, and index names are listed. When multiple
brackets and indexes are used for the same query, you will see one
search line for each bracket.

Indicates that a suitable bracket could not be constructed and an
index scan over the entire table will be performed using the index

Indicates that the query result is to be ordered by a particular
column value and no suitable index exists. A sort of the query result
on the noted column value is required.

Indicates that the specified table and field value is used at this
point in the program.

Indicates that a record is created at this location in the program.

Indicates that a record is deleted at this location in the program.

Indicates that the specified field value of a table is updated at this
location in the program.

See the COMPILE statement in the Progress Language Reference for more
information on the cross-reference file.

Refer Pro kb id 21100
To find out which index Progress uses for a particular query, use the​
XREF option in the COMPILE statement. The SEARCH lines in the XREF output file show the indexes that are accessed for every record selection statement.
Progress 4GL Triggers and Indexes

Check for this file on the internet and download.



Try out Prolint to have a static analysis on a source file, it also uses xref so possible problems form there can be reported in a more graphical user interface.