WSAERROR: No error (-10000)


Hi everybody.
i have some problems with webspeed, the situation is next:

I have a test enviroment where we have 2 servers, one web server, and the other has database an webspeed. Only in some cases and in some programs, when I open with appbuilder my program (a.htm) when i try to check syntaxis, it appear that error "WSAERROR: No error (-10000)". And if i try to save add lines, the same error appear. I try with another program and its ok when check syntaxis and save new lines.

I have check configuration about brokers, web server, and i guess everything is ok.

I hope you can help me with these.

Thanks, have a nice day.
Could it be that more then 1 user is using the same ini file?

There are several KB articles about this error. It seems that this error is caused by a discrepency between the ini file settings and the actual development mode of the appbuilder.
Development mode of the appbuilder is saved in the ini file.
If more then 1 person (or more then 1 instance of appbuilder) is using the same ini file then changing development mode may cause this error in another appbuilder session.
See KB 21942 and P67714.

Please, Where can i find the KB articles about this error?
I have 2 computer with OpenEdge 10 with this error that appeared after logging in the AppBuilder a different user than usual.
Thank you for your attention.