Answered Which Broker/server Is A User Using



OE10.2B SP07 64bit, Windows Server 2008 64 bit.

I wondered if you could help, i'm racking my brain trying to figure this out.

We have 3 brokers setup on our database, 1 for ABL and 2 for SQL. We have one user (currently) connected via SQL.

How can i tell which broker/server the user is connected through?

promon leads me to a server (18) which is port 3074, but i can't get back to the login server.

Any ideas?


Rob Fitzpatrick Sponsor
promon leads me to a server (18) which is port 3074, but i can't get back to the login server.
Do you mean the login broker?

The _Connect VST (promon 1 1) shows all users. For remote users it also shows the server number of the server to which the user connected. The Servers By Broker screen (promon R&D 1 17) shows the list of servers instantiated by each broker. From that you can determine which broker the client connected to.

This information can also be obtained from the database log.


Hi Rob,


Promon 1 1 shows:

User Control:
  Usr Name     Type      Wait  Table               Dbkey     Trans      PID Sem Srv Login  Time    IPV# Remote Address
   19 SYSTEM   SQSV       --      0                    0         0    15892   0 0 01/19/17 11:26
   20 SYSTEM   SQSV       --      0                    0         0     4008   0 0 01/19/17 11:26
   21 SYSTEM   SQSV       --      0                    0         0    16216   0 0 01/19/17 11:26
   22 SYSTEM   SQSV       --      0                    0         0    12772   0 0 01/19/17 11:26
   23 SYSTEM   SQSV       --      0                    0         0     8092   0
  113 UserSQL REMC/SQLC  --      0                    0  170094644        0   0 16 01/19/17 14:10 IPV4

And R&D 1 17 shows:

Sv                                                   Pend.   Cur.   Max.   Port
No    Pid  Type       Protocol               Logins  Users  Users  Users    Num

 17   8732 Auto       TCP                         2      0      1      3   3075

  1  13016 Login      TCP                         0      0      0      3  30050
 16  14128 Auto       TCP                        21      0      1      3   3073
 18   7964 Auto       TCP                         8      0      0      3   3074
 19  15892 Auto       TCP                         1      0      0      3   3080
 20   4008 Auto       TCP                         1      0      0      3   3081
 21  16216 Auto       TCP                         1      0      0      3   3087
 22  12772 Auto       TCP                         1      0      0      3   3088
 23   8092 Auto       TCP                         1      0      0      3   3089
  2   9656 Login      TCP                         0      0      0      3  30055

From this i'm struggling to link 113 UserSQL (from promon 1 1) to port 30055 (promon R&D 1 17)

Am i missing something?


Active Member
The Servers By Broker orders/groups the output.. each Login broker should have all of the "child" brokers listed below it. With a blank line between login broker groups.

User control shows that user is connected to server 16 which is parented to server 1, which uses port 30050.

Cringer Moderator
Staff member
If you set the two SQL brokers to have distinct min/max port ranges then you can know by the port the server is connected to...