Question What version of 11.7 for PASOE

Ashwani Mishra

New Member
If you're starting from scratch I would start on OE 12.2 if at all possible. If you really can't then definitely 11.7.12. There are a lot of improvements in PASOE that you really don't want to miss out on.

I also wouldn't be developing a Webspeed application in 2022.

I would convert all the business logic to OO code and expose that as REST APIs. That way in essence you can bring your own front end. Would be easy to expose it on different device types too.

If there's budget for training then Progress's 3-4 day PASOE Administration training is excellent. And it's not a selling pitch for Progress at all IMO. I've given the training twice on behalf of PSC and helped to improve it. I hope the improvements have made it into the updated slides :)

Thanks for above pointers, Based on it, I would like to know more about recommending 11.7.12.

We have 4 OE based applications (3 GUI and 1 in webspeed).
Progress current Version - 11.7.4
OS - Windows Sever 2016

Our business has taken a decision to implement PASOE for GUI based applications and not for webspeed app (They are planning to migrate it non OE application ). To keep running webspeed application we have to be in 11.7.4.

We have tested our GUI apps with PASOE dev licenses and came across few issues (bad handling of Appserver handles and fixed those).

We are about to buy production licenses for PASOE. I would appreciate if you help with few improvements which are available in 11.7.12 over 11.7.4? meanwhile I will also try to search for release note for 11.7.12 :).

Thanks in advance!
Release notes for 11.7.12:
Progress Documentation

Don't expect new features in 11.7.12 but bug fixes that might affect your business. There are also release notes for the versions between the one you are using and the latest one. Pretty much bugs have been fixed in those 3 or 4 years.
Hi Ashwani,
I've moved your question to a separate thread so that it doesn't derail the original question.
It's a good question. One thing that's very important to note is the dates that various versions were released. 11.7.4 is really old. Think about how much the security world has moved on in the interim for example. By sticking with 11.7.4 you're missing out on 8 revisions of security patches, not to mention bug fixes and general improvements.
IMO installing PASOE on anything other than 11.7.12 is a bad decision. I can't comment directly about what might affect your application or not, but suffice to say there have been a lot of improvements and bug fixes over the years, in particular relating to PASOE and performance.
My question to you is, why do you have to stay on 11.7.4 for webspeed? In general there will be no breaking changes in minor version updates.
Thanks for your response @Cringer . (I will keep it in mind to have separate thread instead of hijacking original thread :) )
My question to you is, why do you have to stay on 11.7.4 for webspeed?
There are no constraint for us to move to 11.7.12. Because of long term support we never thought of moving from 11.7.4 to any other later version on 11.7.x.

I will pitch in this idea of buying a PASOE production license for 11.7.12 rather then 11.7.4 to have all latest patches and to keep our webspeed app running until it migrate.
What version of 11.7 for PASOE
There are no constraint for us to move to 11.7.12. Because of long term support we never thought of moving from 11.7.4 to any other later version on 11.7.x.
There may be some confusion here. 11.7.4 is not a long-term supported release; 11.7 is.

A release (aka version) of OpenEdge has a number of the form X.Y, where X is the major version and Y is the minor version. (In v10 and prior it is a little different.)

When you see a number of the form X.Y.Z, the ".Z" is not a part of the release (version) number. It is the update (previously known as a service pack and/or hotfix) that has been applied to a release. These updates contain bug fixes and security patches, and possibly some minor new functionality.

Moving from one release to another, e.g. from 11.6 to 11.7, requires a license upgrade and a new OpenEdge installation. Updating a release, e.g. moving from 11.7.4 to 11.7.12, is not an upgrade, it involves no licensing changes, and it is done in place in the same installation.

It is important to be familiar with the OpenEdge Product Life Cycle Policy Guide, which is available for download here:
Progress Documentation. It is relatively new and is different from the life cycle used in the past.

Note that for LTS releases, like 11.7, only the latest update is supported. Once a new update is released, the older updates of that release are retired. As of this writing, 11.7.12 is the latest update of 11.7. 11.7.12 will be retired once 11.7.13 is released. This is exactly how "long term support" is provided. This is important because if you open a case with Tech Support, you may be told that you need to install the latest update in order to get a fix for your issue.