WARNING: "-l exceeded." and "-D limit exceeded"


New Member
we've been getting these error messages lately.

14:25:05 SRV 4: WARNING: -D limit exceeded. Auto incrementing to 225. (5410)
14:25:05 SRV 4: Previous message sent on behalf of user 295. (5512)
14:25:05 SRV 4: Registry error 5: Could not create the 'PROGRESS' key for the Event Viewer. (5175)
14:25:05 SRV 4: Previous message sent on behalf of user 295. (5512)


06:31:45 SRV 1: WARNING: -l exceeded. Automatically increasing from 200 to 210. (5408)
06:31:45 SRV 1: Previous message sent on behalf of user 324. (5512)
06:31:46 SRV 1: Registry error 5: Could not create the 'PROGRESS' key for the Event Viewer. (5175)
06:31:46 SRV 1: Previous message sent on behalf of user 324. (5512)

is there any way to trace what exactly is causing the error messages? we get the users (two imparticular) saying that Syteline is slow during the times when this appears in the log files.


New Member
I think we got it. There were some out dated .pf files on two of our citrix boxes that were missing a "-T c:\temp" line. so the temp files for the users were getting sent across a WAN link to another site. the delays in reading/writing the files were causing the syteline errors to show.