Visual Web Developer to AppServer Web Service


New Member
Good Evening everyone,

I'm trying to set up a call from Visual Web Developer to a web services that I have created within the appserver. I'm able to create a 4GL Client, connect and get a response from the web service. So I know that the web service is up and running.

I've utilized proxygen to develop the wsdl and the wsm file and then deployed it to my WSA.

In Visual Web Developer I've set up an App_WebReference to my wsdl and have the following code:

Dim webservicecall As New net3.WsTestService
Dim cout as string
Dim cin as string = "hello"
Dim valueget As string = webservicecall.wshello(cin, cout)
textbox1.text = valueget

I'm unable to compile the above code on a button click because the webservicecall.wshello(cin, cout) apparently does not produce a value. Anyone have any code snippet on how to make it work through VB.NET or Visual Web Developer? Thanks.
Most of times client works with web service as async client. TYou have to define call back procedure and get response in it.
Or check how to activate sync mode and wait for answer.
Thanks. That worked. Dumb Mistake by me. I just needed to make the call independently then assign another variable to the cout value. so now it looks like:

Dim callwebservice As New webserver.webservice
        Dim cout As String
        Dim cin As String = "world"
        callwebservice.wshello(cin, cout)
        Dim valueget As String = cout
        TextBox1.Text = valueget