VB Variant, BLOBs and Progress RAW


New Member

I have an ActiveX control - created in VB. It returns fields from a dbase database.

In particular, i want to get at a BLOB field.

The active X declarartion is as follows:...

Public Sub GetField(sField As String, vData As Variant)
vData = datDBF.Recordset.Fields(sField)
End Sub

I have a variable in progress declared as RAW, and I am trying to assign the returned Blob to the RAw variable.

chDBF:GetField(input-output sField, output rRawData) no-error.

However, rRAwdata is always returning 0s

repeat i = 1 to length(rRawData):
x = x + "," + string(if get-byte(rRawData,i) > 0 then get-byte(rRawData,i) else -1).

Any ideas as to why nothing is being retrurned????

Ive been on this for ages, and i have a thumping headace now. Please help. :confused: