Using Webspeed and flash


New Member

does anyone know if it is possible to work with Flash and Webspeed?

I know i can work with a HTML-mapping to put database input on the screen.
I even now i can work with no html-mapping but just with AJAX where i approach a webspeed-application.

But is it possible to approach through Flash's Actionscript a webspeed application? is it the same way like Ajax?

Or do we simply work like Flash and just connect flash application to the Openedge-database and uses the own flash-scripting to get data from the database?

Or is there an other way?

Kind Regards Thomas Desmet
Hi Thomas,

The short answer to your question is yes, you can use Flash and WebSpeed together. Using Actionscript, it is possible to create XML documents and send them back to WebSpeed, which in turn can parse and process the XML and create a response document. This is pretty easy to do, I did a presentation demonstrating it back in 2000 I think. Let me know if you have any questions and I'll see if I can find some examples.


Other way is using loadVaribales(webspeed.html?var1 + _root.var1).
To pass variables back to flash webspeed must return string {&out} "&var2=" var2.