Using Select statement for field in Select List


New Member
Config: ODBC, Progress 9.1C on Windows

Issue: We're trying to use a Select statement to return a single summed value within the Column List of the main Select statement, but we keep receiving syntax errors. Can we do that using ODBC connecting to Progress 9.1C? We use subselects in the from clause ok.

Ex: Select table1.col1, table1.col2, (select sum(table.field) from table) as 'Total'
from table1 ...

Subselect is only supported in the where clause and not in the select list. So what you are doing will not work. Last time I tested this was 10.1B.

But anyway 9.1C has a very instable and imo terrible sql engine, is a retired unsupported product and is definitely not the best release Progress ever made.
So urgent advise:
Don't go there with sql. Upgrade to 10.1C/10.2a and life will become much better from both an sql and an ABL point of view. :)

I attempted to send this a couple times since your reply but something happened. You know how computers can be sometimes. :)

Thank you very much, Casper. We were afraid of that. We can't upgrade at this time, but the encouragement to do so sure has been expressed.