Using Python to access Progress DB


19+ years progress programming and still learning.
So I did my quick five minute lightning talk, and somebody has ask me to do the same mini presentation at a Python meetup. I joined the Python meetup group and went to my first session tonight just to get a feel for the target audience.

So I have one month to create some quick and dirty 'Python' code which will connect to an Openedge database (most likely sports2000) via JDBC or ODBC. Then do a few simple queries exporting the results to the screen or if I'm feeling confident even a dynamically generated webpage.

I found a KB article about which Python modules are required but I'm going to need a bit more help. Has anybody used Python to connect to the openedge database?

Cringer Moderator
Staff member
Just splitting this out as it's a different request and is more of a question for help than chit chat. Hope that's ok :)


19+ years progress programming and still learning.
What exactly are you looking for? Accessing a Progress DB through ODBC is pretty much the same as accessing any other ODBC database.

It did not take me long to get something working. My first ever Python code and a successful ODBC connection. I guess I've answered my own question. Now i've even got more time up my sleeve to do something very cool now, but what?

import pyodbc

cnxn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={Progress OpenEdge 11.4 Driver};HostName=flow;DATABASENAME=report;PORTNUMBER=4556;LogonID=sysprogress;PASSWORD=progress')
cursor = cnxn.cursor()
cursor.execute("select Username from PUB.Client")
rows = cursor.fetchall()
for row in rows:

Rob Fitzpatrick Sponsor
Can you even access the VST hidden fields via ODBC?
Yes! I just created a DSN for one of my dev databases, connected to the SQL broker via Excel, selected "show system tables", and ran a SELECT from _TableStat. It returned a result set. Give it a try.


19+ years progress programming and still learning.
Just splitting this out as it's a different request and is more of a question for help than chit chat. Hope that's ok :)
OK. But I think there was a bit of a timing issues. Some other posts need to be brought over as-well.