Using OCX's without a smart container

Chris Kelleher

Staff member
Hi All.

Can anyone tell me how load an OCX without having to use a SmartContainer
like a Smartwindow. The environment in question is v8.3A using Windws 95.

Incidentally, can someone tell me which image format the DOTR LoadImage OCX


Ray Atherton
Cornerstone Systems
Brisbane, Australia
At 11:49 AM 10/7/99 +1000, Ray Atherton wrote:
>Hi All.
>Can anyone tell me how load an OCX without having to use a SmartContainer
>like a Smartwindow. The environment in question is v8.3A using Windws 95.

You must use the UIB to generate the .WRX. Then have a look inside
some UIB generated code to see how the controls are initialized
in the IP.

>Incidentally, can someone tell me which image format the DOTR LoadImage OCX

It creates something called an image list. It doesn't really
expect any particular image type. It's what ever's going to
use the image list that you have to worry about.

Geoff Crawford Phone: (973) 361 - 4224
Innovative Client Servers FAX: (973) 537 - 6946
75 Fleetwood Drive, Suite 200 Email:
Rockaway NJ 07886 Web:
One World, One PEG
It is not necessary to use a SmartContainer.
You can use the UIB (AppBuilder in V9) to
place an OCX into an ordinary frame.


At 09:49 PM 10/6/99 , Ray Atherton wrote:
>Can anyone tell me how load an OCX without having to use a SmartContainer
>like a Smartwindow. The environment in question is v8.3A using Windws 95.

There are only a few simple rules governing database
design. Unfortunately, too few people know what they are.
Ted Duke
PEG Member: 1998013001 --- Consulting/Training/Design
TJD Enterprises, Inc--Box 2246--Reston VA USA 20195-0246
703)318-8502--Fax: (419) 793-7395--email:
AFAIK, it doesn't create the image list. It just adds an image
to an existing image list.
So you also need to create the Microsoft ImageList (from
comctl32.ocx) and pass the handle of this ImageList to the
LoadImage OCX:

chLoadImage:LoadImage(chImageList, vcFile).

