use Procedure Editor in a window


New Member
Hi all,

I'm creating a sort of framework where I can connect databases, loop through drives and directories, etc ... When I double-click a filename (.p) the content of the file loads into an Editor Widget at this moment. After pressing a button the procedure will run.

Is it also possible to replace the Editor Widget by a Progress Procedure Editor (maybe .OCX??) in my window so that the functionalities of the Procedure Editor remains, like check syntax, libraries, ...

I think this should be possible ... somebody experience with this?

I would appreciate any help.

Thanks already
To make normal progress editor behave like procedure editor,
set source-editor property to yes and you will have all the auto completions and everything working.

Have a look at ABHack (Look it up on PSDN or OEHive). It has simillar functionality that you are talking about. It does not require any code change to existing editor code and can be integrated with your framework easily.

Or better .... move to OE architech... and you have eclipse which can do all these things and much more......
