Question Use of control variable

This statment is writing the special control character ( ascii code 15 ) to the current output which in this case might be a file or a printer. AFAIK ascii code 15 is shift line. Whether that makes sense or not very much depends on whether the standard output of the ABL session can cope with that control character.

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.
Since you don't reveal any further information it's impossible to say what it does.

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.
Actually i saw that in a reprinting program. There it is used in the start of the printing the lines and after the update ranges(i.e., After the {mfquoter.i} statement). So asking whether it actually wat does in there.
There is no universal answer.

PUT CONTROL is a low-level method for dealing with specific devices. The application code is taking over and telling Progress "I know what I'm doing, don't try to help me".

Control codes are device dependent. If the output device is an HP printer it may do something very different from if the output device is a Zebra printer. It may also depend on what the state of the device is which may depend on what has been sent to it previously.