updating an sdo when a table col has been deleted


New Member
What is the progress correct way of updating an sdo when a column has been deleted in the sdo related table ?
- redesigning the sdo
- or some other solution


Stefan De Leyn

New Member
You have done it the wrong way around.
First change all viewers and browser on which you based the SDO. Afterwards change the SDO and delete the appropriate field in the SDO. Then change the DataBase and recompile all of the above to avoid CRC-errors.
As far as I know this is the only safe way of doing it.
If you changed the DataBase first then you can probably not even open up the SDO anymore in the AppBuilder. Rebuilding all of the above is an option then. Alternatively you can change the sourcecode of the SDO directly via the procedure editor to manually delete the field everywhere. However if you do not know what you are doing exactly then this is bot really to be advised. When changing the SDO in the procedure editor then do not forget to edit the comments as well as the AppBuilder does use these comments !!!