Uncertain Output in Netscape


New Member

When I am writing the following line

href="../PageUnderConstruction/PageUnderConstruction.asp?Navigator=<%=Navigator%>&ID=<%=loginsessionId%>" style="text-decoration:none">"

It does not show any line under the link in IE but sometime it shows a line under the link in Netscape.

Can anybody help me..


[Edited by jayanta_bose on 11 Nov 2000 at 07:01 AM]


Junior Racer
Where point link when no underline in Netscape?

Sorry, but when You see underline in Netscape, is the link pointer
(target page, where You go after click on link) correct?

May be, that Your style is part of link.
if Netscape not load page complete then it may has bats in his mind.
And when it see < (&amp;lt;) or > (&amp;gt;) - how do he understand it, if not
full of page loaded?