Unable to Unfreeze Inventory

Chris Kelleher

Staff member
Good a.m. all -
We have just completed a physical inventory and are attempting to unfreeze
the inventory so we can be open for business. However, we get the following
error message: "Update not successful. At least 1 physical inventory record
exists where posting status = unposted." When we look at the Input/Update
Sheets, there is nothing listed to post. I understand there is a physical
inventory file that contains unposted records. Where can I find this? Any
suggestions would be great . . .

Michael Fisher
Programmer/IT Developer
Wallingford Electronics
Thx to all who replied. I found two items in the phyinv table w/ a
post-stat of "U". I changed these to "" and the inventory is now unfrozen.

Michael Fisher
Programmer/IT Developer
Wallingford Electronics