Unable to dump database/table definition with _progres


I getting below problem when I am trying to dump database definition with _progres on Linux OS,

#_progres -b -db /data/skp/db/apprules/apprules -p prodict/dump_df.p -param "(input ALL, input newapprules.df, input ?)"
Mismatched number of parameters passed to routine prodict/dump_df.p. (3234)
** Unable to run startup procedure prodict/dump_df.p. (492)

Is any syntax problem with passing three parameters to prodict/dump_df.p?


Rob Fitzpatrick

ProgressTalk.com Sponsor
You can't run dump_df.p as a starting procedure (with -p), as it takes parameters. Instead create a wrapper procedure that runs it. See Tom Bascom's post in this thread for details.