Turning Color Coding (Syntax-Highlighting) back on in OE10.1A

Hi All,

Not really sure what has happened but somehow I disabled the color coding (aka Syntax-Highlighting) in OE10.1A, and I dont know how to turn it back on. All I have found in the help so far is an explaination of the Color Coding Setup Dialog etc, but it doesnt seem to tell you where to find it, and buggered if I can :(

It seems to have happened since I installed Architect, but even if I start Appbuilder from the start menu (so not within Architect) all text in a procedure window is black. I thought at first that maybe it was an issue with Architect, but another developer here has installed Architect and does not have this issue.

Thanx in advance all,
Maybe this is your problem:

KB P113171
Title: "Can't see colors in the Editor when using OE Architect"


If that isn't the issue:

Does Architect have config files (eg. .ini)? If so, compare them with your colleagues.

Hi Mate,

Firstly thank you, it sounds very similar...however I am not actually using the Architect, just a straight AppBuilder. I also noticed little things like when you put a 'do:' no 'end.' appears (same with for each etc too) and the auto indent etc isnt working. Very strange. I might just re-install and see if that fixes it, if I get a chance.

As I said though thank you for taking the time to investigate, it is appreciated mate.

waynesingh said:
Firstly thank you, it sounds very similar...however I am not actually using the Architect, just a straight AppBuilder.
Well, to alter the Appbuilder settings you use Options > Editing Options.

However if you cannot access this, then apparently (I'm quoting the knowledgebase here) you do not have the slick editor stuff which Progress uses to prettify its code, in which case you need to install OpenEdge Studio (perhaps your colleague has this installed?)

See KB P113494
Title: "Advanced editing options are not available in Progress Editors when only the OpenEdge Architect is installed"


waynesingh said:
I also noticed little things like when you put a 'do:' no 'end.' appears
You lucky man. I would love to make this very irritating functionality disappear.
Champion Effort! Thank you very much mate, I checked config and I hadnt installed OpenEdge Studio. All is good again now.

Thanx again, it is appreciated mate,

PS. Once you lose those little nicities you realise how much you miss them :)


Starting with 10.1A, the advanced editing options are no longer available without OpenEdge Studio product. OpenEdge Architect product does not install the Slick editor

Sucks for those of us without a Studio license :(


Well-Known Member
Well, I guess that is just another of those $$$ driven decisions which we are blessed with by the powers that be at progress. Understanding this is maybe just beyond our pay grade and unless that doesn't get raised ...

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.