Tortal number of records in a table as summary


New Member
Hello All ,

I am new so I am hoping for some help.

We are running version 9.0 Progress in Syteline
and I was wondering how to write a program that
would give me the total number of records in table,
such as "matltran", as a total, for example 14,000 records etc.

Apparently on records get too big 2 gigabyte? there is a risk to the system.
any help would be greatly appreciated


Well-Known Member
You are mixing and matching two "old" Progress limits

  1. The 2GB file limit: The limit is relevant to very old Progress versions ( before 9.1c, IIRC ) and in versions above that when large files are not enabled. The large file feature is not enabled out of the box and it's only supported with the enterprise database license. Either you enable it manually with the proutil utility or when you created the database with prostrct the structure description already contained an extent larger than 2GB.
  2. The 2 Billion limit for the number of records in a table (or better storage area). This limit may only be reached under ideal circumstances. Whether you can reach it depends on the fact how good you records per block setting for the storage area is - in other words, how many slots for records you waste because of a not optimal setting - and if it's the only table in the storage area.
DBANALYZE will give you all the information you need. You can run it from the OS, it's syntax is proutil <db_name> -C dbanalys > your_output_file.p

HTH , RealHeavyDude.