To convert code page


New Member

I want to convert my code page to "GB2312".
Kindly suggest me the setps to do the same..
So far I kw to analyse undefine the DB
and then convert using the command
%dlc%\bin\proutil uatadmin.db -C convchar analyze undefined
%dlc%\bin\proutil uatadmin.db -C convchar convert GB2312

But while undefining i am facing a errot as below.
OpenEdge Release 10.1B03 as of Sat Nov 3 00:53:18 EDT 2007
Invalid function analyse. Expecting analyze or convert. (3684)
wrong utility option: 0
Event Logger error: Could not find 'PROMSGS.DLL'. (5194)

And please also suggest the steps after this.


Long Back I converted a DB from iso8859 to ibm850( Dont exactly remember) to print in Arabic for one of our clients in Kuwait.

If I can recollect correctly I did :

proutil -C <databasename> -C convchar convert undefined
proutil -C <databasename> -C convchar convert ibm850

Also, you have edit the convmap.dat file and compile it to use the new codepage.


New Member
sorry dats a spelling mistake.

i am using z.

Can i enter chenese characters.
I have a character client.