Question The WebSocket Protocol implimented in the ABL(rfc6455)


19+ years progress programming and still learning.
Has anybody implemented the WebSocket protocol in the ABL?

I was mucking around with node.js and WebSocket and I realised that the is opportunity for a server side process to send messages to the node.js using and that message can then be broadcast to other WebSocket clients.

So for example an AppServer or even a GUI/TTY client updates a record it could send a lightweight message to node.js server process basically saying "Hey! I just updated this record and here is it's rowid. blar blar blar". Actually the message would most likely be in the form of a JSON string.

So any mobile or desktop application would then get a broadcast JSON message from node.js via WebSocket and then the client can then automatically re-display the updated info, or something like that.

Currently I have a JavaScript process on my Web Application which is periodically polls the WebSpeed Broker just to see if anything has changed.

So before I start writing a WebClient for the ABL which is different to HTTP protocol, has anybody done this before I wast my time.
Thanks for that. I don't think 'Stomp' conforms to the rfc6455 WebSocket Protocol. Stomp seams very similar to the WebSocket with the concept of frames & messages.

Is Stomp even a standard?
I think that you will find that the socket code sitting underneath the stomp implementation is what you are looking for. But you'd have to talk to Julian to be certain.

It is enough of a standard that lots of people seem to be able to implement it :)