TCP Access Problems


New Member
I'm new to progress and trying to evaluate it as a part of a ERP solution & on its own. I have 9.1B and I've got the demo database started a la TCP. I've got a working ODBC connection up. Now, I can get crystal reports to pull the meta-data but as soon as I try to get some content, error. Access denied.
Also the SQL Explorer can connect, but everything else throws an error.

I'm assuming (and hoping) that this is some drop dead easy config error that newbies always make, but I'll be damned if I can find any futher help.

Thank you,
Jamison Masse
CSA (M) Bhd.

Chris Kelleher

Staff member

Basically in order to connect you need to create a user in the Progress database, and then specify this username and password when connecting via ODBC. So you can just create a 'dummy' user called "sql" and gave it a password. Then use the Progress SQL Explorer and log in as user "sysprogress". You can then grant DBA rights and select privileges to my "sql" user. From here you should be able to add this username and password into the ODBC setup and everything should work fine.

There's a couple of good Progress KB entries that may be helpful as well:

Granting privileges with SQL Explorer:

Guide to SQL-92 security:

Hope this helps,