[Stackoverflow] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] Multiple outer join odbc progress

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I trying to do 3 outer joins. I have basically 3 tables -

  1. Article
  2. Structurs
  3. Proces

All this tables have common field - Article. I need all columns from Article then left join structurs and left join proces. The database was create in progress.

I am writing query in vba (excel :/) connecting via odbc.

I know how to do it with 2 tables but i have no idea how to do it with 3 or more. This how i made outer join for 2 tables. 3rd table "Proces" have columns "Article" and "Process".

pASQL = "SELECT S_Article_0.Article, S_Article_0.Designation, P_Structure_0.CreateDate, P_Structure_0.CreateBy, P_Structure_0.Article " & _
"FROM {oj PAVAR.PUB.S_Article S_Article_0 LEFT OUTER JOIN PAVAR.PUB.P_Structure P_Structure_0 " & _
"ON S_Article_0.Article = P_StkKopf_0.Article}"

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